Blegh!I hate being sick,nauseas and lausai'ish.
Blueck.. its
terrible!Can't even enjoy camp properly..Okay, not complaining.Camp was good.Soul Survivor camp was fun!Played with the band for one of the sessions in the morning and it was good=) All for God=D
Got sick on the 2nd last day...a handful of us got really sick..,...and so,we're still on the road of recovery..and i might might be a looooong..looooonggg..way!*oh no!!!*
Ok,later there's Soul Survivor concert..and im playing again!yay!!=D and..going to Singapore straight away after playing.hmm...busy??yep......
tired!!oooh....anyway,its ok :)
I'll be attending a workshop on building my portfolio in Lasalle,Singapore for a week..and im pretty looking forward to it.
Right now im so tired i feel like i have no feelings!Oh wait..i just said i
felt like i have no that a feeling?oh i going crazy too?
Ok.....ok..........I'm cool....chioazz..