Thursday, October 26, 2006

Uh-huh!!aha!yeah!its least to me lar!MWahahha!! my..cheesy cheeeeese cake that i baked!!!=D



5 of us - Caleb,Joel,John,Yi Wan and me went to church at 9.30a.m to clean the church's nose.HAha!!It was a nice day...not too hot,nice wind..yeah..and it was.....FUN!!Getting wet and soapy.....getting to climb!!...ah!!FUN!!!!=D And the guys...and girls did a fantastic job at cleaning it.(It's not easy ok?!)Now its white...again!!yay!:D and clean.Ko ko Jit Pang said he can see his reflection again.....hahahhaha!!!

I like this picture of Caleb cleaning the 'space bars'.....haiyaikyaik!!

Here we have Joel cleaning the glass and frames...

And here is John...also cleaning..(doh?!)

YiWan!!The Water Shooter!hahaha... ;)

Ko ko Jit Pang..taking his turn at cleaning!hehe..

There's so many more pics i wanna post...but...all of you will suffer!!hahaha...!coz it'll take too long to load.ehhe.So,i'll end by posting...

Our hands ended up 'crumpled' like John's and Joel's here.haha!!But i think Joel's was the worst!

<--- Joel's.Dont' u think the crumpledness looks like flowers???hahahhahaa..

Well,though we got wet(weeee!!!!:p),soapy and a lil' was fun...really fun!!Goooooood Job guys!!:D
Oh yar,i got my car cleaned too!!!

heheheh!!!Now it looks all shiny and.............uhm.....shiny!!haahaha...

YAY!!!*i'm happyyyyyy!!!!=D*

Have you ever heard of the small little blue-pink girl in the turbo pick up truck?

Speaketh your mind..

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