Event of the Week...
Monday, August 14, 2006

Sunday,13th August,7.34p.m. - Ms Joanna Tang, stunt woman wannabe hit the inner part of her right foot on the hard wooden chair in the hall in the house she lives in.Specifically she hitted the arm rest of the chair.As her leg hit the arm rest,she cried out in pain as the pain was EXCRUCIATING!!
As a result of the tremendous pain,she flew onto the floor, rolling about in madness of painfullness.Nobody could really calm her down.So she just went on rolling on the floor clutching her foot till the pain eased down.She mentioned that the first thing that went through her mind was,"YES!no need to go school!!".Today,she is well and healthy and going to school against half her will eventhough her leg is swollen,bengkak and bruised.She will remain going to school and being healthy and active while the course of recovery takes place.May God heal her leg.

Have you ever heard of the small little blue-pink girl in the turbo pick up truck?

Speaketh your mind..

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