Monday, June 12, 2006

School started word-boring=boredom.blegh.I wanst aware that today got assembly in the morning..trudged down to the carpark(that's where assembly was held)..Sue and i trying to find the line for our class..obviously cant find it so what the heck..just line up in some line and pretend you're part of the class.Its called 'blending'.HAHA!! we stood there and 'aturkan' ourselves..which obviusly didnt work..untill!!!a male teacher yelled into the mike," SENANG DIRI!!" Sue and i suddenly turn wide awake and looks at each other..

Sue and Jo : What the?!?!
Shouting male teacher : SENANG DIRI!!(unsatisfied with results)SEMULA!!
Everyone : (shifts here..shifts there..talking..laughing..playing..tying hair..sleeping..dreaming..drooling..)
Shouting male teacher : Kamu semua ni!!buat betul-betul!SENANG DIRI!BARIS!!

This went on for a few more minutes.The male teacher getting more semangater and semangater..untill he gave up..i guess.hahah.Well,he had to seat our butts on the tarc road for like..50 minutes.Sue was already sleeping..i was sleeping..listening..daydreaming..ah.anyway,on the way back to class after assembly Sue was caught for having dyed hair.yar right!!thats ther natural hair colour!Poor thing..she always get 'caught' for that.sigh..the disciplin master is so closed minded.Not forgetting the pervertish teacher too.They have this crooked thinking that ALL asians have black hair.blegh.fart lar.So they insisted on Sue to dye her hair black 'again'.yeah..say..what?!hmphf. So well,she and Sarah fixed it during rehat time by going to the disciline room and Sarah to 'bail' her out.hahah!!well,Sue started to say.."kalau cikgu tak 'accept' saya punya penjelasan,saya boleh panggil ayah saya".whoa..wehn he heard 'ayah' i guess he freaked out abit.hahah..oh well..*love him JO!!!Love that pervertish teach too!!*Oh God help me!!well,i was so bored i wrote some stuf..mostly ramblings and random stuff but im so lazy to type them all out.Its long.Anyway,i dont think you wanna waste your time reading my ramblings,uh?,i wont post it.haha!!wee!!oklar..gotta retire to my bed school tomorrow!!yikes...peace out!Goodnight creatures of God...

Have you ever heard of the small little blue-pink girl in the turbo pick up truck?

Speaketh your mind..

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