oh..school was..um..'fun' today.Well,lets see,went in to the hall and got scolded.Then we learnt the school song.Still cant get the tune coz there wasnt any right tune!!everyone was singing different tunes!haha...tried to stop myself from laughing and...i succeeded!hahaha!!anyway,after that the orientation went on with different teachers telling us about the different subjects respectively.After rehat came back for more talks on more subs.oh boy..i was beginning to feel really really sleepy..as it was really hot n stuffy and everyone was sitting really close to each other.Then started the trickling of sweat from my thighs n knee pits!haha..oklar...it din actually trickle down lar.I just started to fell really sticky.hehe..then after the talks one of the teachers asked us to stand up and face our butts towards her.ok,dont get me wrong..not sticking our butts at her lar..hehe.then she asked us to raise our hands and massage the person in front of us.haha!anyway,we had to sit down again n burn our butts for another 1 and a half hour listening to the PK Hem and Guro Ko-ko give their speech.What joy!well,well,after it was over,we had an activity called 'Explore Race'(righhht...).The purpose of it was to 'jalin hubungan antara bangunan dalam sekolah' (like...uhh?!)hahaha...so interesting!I did actually talk to the buildings..and i made a friend or two.Had to look up real high coz they're very tall...and big.(HAHA!!)Well,the 'Explore race' was..supposed to finish like..11-15 check points in 45 minutes!siow.well,whad'ya expect?it started to rain the minute we started.Gosh..got drenched-literally!!!seriously!!oh well..its nice to play in the rain sumtimes..but not in school uniform. well,obviously we din finish all the check points coz not enuf time and the clues werent clues at al!so my group decided to just go back to the hall as it was balik time d.oklo..so walked out of school,walked to Paulus' house for cg.And guess what?i went there and they were done!
Paulus,Gideon&Daniel : Hi Jo!!
Jo : Hi!!You all havent started ar?
The 3 boys : Nolar..We just starting to finish.
Jo : (blur.......)huh?
The 3 boys : aiyo!!we finish d lar..starting to go back!(laughs...)
Jo : oh!!aiyo!
yeah..so chatted with the boys while waiting for ko Jit Pang to finish whatever he was doing..haha..to send me home.
Anyway,by the time i got back was 2.45(?)i think so lar.ate lunch..then had to go bring Paw to the vet.Ok,i shall not go into details about the visit there...oh boy..gives me tummy quizziness....
now,im supposed to be at my friends birthday party...but guess what?My purse is in daddy's car and he's out with it...yeah..so that means..no party!hmm...i feel bad!(bad Jo....bad..bad..)
oklar..i tink ive said enuf for today.Tomorrow orientation continues with sukaneka!!oh gosh..i do really really hope its not like those games where u throw colourful hullahoops into a skittle or trying to balance a bean bag on ur head or racing in a guni sack!!hmm..lets see wat happens.OH!!this means i have to wear that shitty coloured Prunity shirt!!oh darn..its so huge!and terribly hideous..hmphf..
oklar..enough complaining,k?!just be thankful!haiyo..chiaozz dudes and dudettes...peace.