Having dogs is wonderful.They are totally loyal animals who would want to please their master.Just like they say, "Dogs are man's best friend". I totally agree.They dont have to say anything...just be there by ur side is enough.No wonder they us this "dog therapy" or "animal therapy" in some welfare home n hospitals.It works wonder...absolutely!!
Well,i really dont noe how my life would be without my doggies.Oklar..i think i can say roughly how lar..umm..no need to feed them and then be a 'policeman' so that they don fight over each others food,much time saved from bathing them..n water too!um...no one to talk to..ok..at least less 'some one' to talk to.haha!less fun..less pictures to take,um..yarlar..i could go on..but wat for?=p
Anyway,back to what i wanted to say.I was spending time observing my dogs while they were eating...that is after i fed them(DUH?!) and then i spent some 'quality time' with them after they finished eating.Too bad i dont have 3 hands to pet all of them.hahah!!man..i dunno how to say lar..i guess i was just being a bit...moody yesterday-into the melancholic side of me(hmm...).I realised some things about my dogs..

ok..take Fluffy..shes about 6 and a half years old.Shes fierce and pretty unfriendly and shy.But what most people dont see is her 'manja' side.She loves her tummy being rubbed.and she has this..caring eyes.ahh...she just sits and listens to you without commotion(unlike Zeallinger)haha!
Shes getting old..but shes as good as a fighter!haha..shes killed cobras,many many iguanaz,rats,and who knows wat else!!Boy...i'll definitely cry when she goes.(ok...its starting to sound sad..so,il start laughing-HAHAHA!!!!now its ur turn...)

then theres Paw.Hes a brother to Fluffy.Hes the 'lepak' kind.Was really really fat at one point of his life...that was when he was my grandma's dog.Gosh!she gives him gooood food n he never finishes it!hmmphf.Anywayz,after he was sent back here..he 'slimmed' down.haha..he doesnt really kill cobra's and rats n those stuff wich hes supposed to kill but instead he kills chickens!blame it on kampung life!heh.He's really manja too.but totally totally lepak.hahaha..
Now,for Zeallinger.Her name means zealous.And i tell u,thats whst she is!hahah...totally hyperactive,enthusiastic 2and a half year old doggie.Picked her up by the side of the road.So sad.Sombody just threw her out..abandoning her there..traumatised and all..sigh.Well,along came me and i brought her home.She's still a bit traumatised.She pees when u gonna hit her(of course for a reason)or when shes scared.hehe..but over all,she's totally playful.She loves attention.haha..not that fierce..looks are decieving.She is an example of a loyal loyal dog.Literally.oh..did i mention that she jumps really really high?!hmm..better make her jump more before her backside gets too heavy=p oh yar....she LOVES licking too.gosh..she never stops licking you!makes me feel salty.haha..shes a really excited dog too.hmm...well,basically,shes friendly,hyperactive and licky.haha..

this was when she was younger.How adorable!*high pitch shriek*

now shes big and...forever hungry!haha..