Chanced upon me
Monday, July 27, 2009

Unexpected inspirations.

I should do this more often.


Let me go somewhere
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A different Place,
A different Destination,
A different Country,
Each different year,
Each different purpose,


How will you....?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A little more me time
A little disappearing act
Or so it seems.
I need it
Maybe I'll add a little you time too

An un-vague post
Tuesday, July 07, 2009

I've decided today, to post something not so...... vague. Just to save the sanity of your minds, you who read my blog and trying to understand *evil laugh*. HAha, yeah, i know I a bit syok sendiri but heck! =p

So, what's been happening for Miss Tang no.3 for her holidays since May?
Firstly, she's went to North Africa for three weeks. Want more info? Come talk to her :) while she's around ;)

Secondly, after coming back, she attended Agape church camp. Which straight after that, she went 'back' to Singapore to work.

Work. Her work involves helping a Korean lady artist. She's a sculptor and an installation artist. So Miss Tang no.3 helps her prepare stuff for art making, clean up mess, carry stuff, render strength, etc. Oh, not forgeting that work also includes lighting five to six mosquito coils before artist comes to work, and also accompanying her to the cab after work. Hehehee... It's fun! According to Miss Tang no.3, she finds Sunsook (the Korean artist) FUNNY. She says the crackiest things and cracks her up. Haha. Nice :)

So now, Miss Tang no.3 is finally back home in Kluang, she's recuperating (from thinking she has to recuperate) and actually thinking harder and harder and harder about her proposal for her Level two self proposed project. Yes, she's trying not to be overly stressed.

Other than school work, she's also trying to finish her touch up drawings for the 4th CDL Singapore Sculpture Award show at SAM.
See :
Oh, she forgot to mention that she won 2nd place in the 4th CDL Singapore Sculpture Award 2009. So she'll be showcasing her work in Singapore Art Museum (SAM) from the 22nd July to 30th July.
She also hopes that those of you who can make it for the price giving on the 22nd July at 5.30 pm at SAM Glass Hall, will be there. It's the first time she actually won something and she's pretty bombed up about it *BIG GRIN*. Yes, it's quite an ego booster. Haha.

Now back at home for a week, she'll be busy with some school and art works and also exercise, taken she doesn't feel lazy or chooses to procrastinate the fitness and fat level of her small 'lack-of-exercise-body'.

So, well, basically that's the gist of happennings of Miss Tang no.3 for the past two months and for the one week she'll be in her lovely hometown :) She is,as her emotional records say, indeed happy <3

Pink bubblegum toes
Friday, July 03, 2009

The pink nailpolish on Jo's toenails makes her toes look like...
bubble gum,
according to Ms Tang no.2.

Jo says:
Because they're round.


Have you ever heard of the small little blue-pink girl in the turbo pick up truck?

Speaketh your mind..

Places to go
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